Nigeria and Cameroon Under Colonial Rule, in Government Reports, 1887-1962

Nigeria and Cameroon Under Colonial Rule, in Government Reports, 1887–1962 contains papers from the colonial governments in Nigeria and Cameroon. The reports are divided into ten sections: Administration, Finance, Judicial and Police, Natural Resources, Social Services, Transport and Public Works, Communications and Post Office Savings, Commerce, Miscellaneous, and reports relating to the British Cameroons.

The government reports contained in this collection cover several important developments and events including the establishment of the Colony and Protectorate of Lagos, the First and Second World Wars, and the creation of the independent Nigerian state. The reports provide students and academics with unique insights into the histories of Nigeria and Cameroon. They likewise shed light on the broader development, and eventual dissolution, of British colonial rule in West Africa.

There are no Schools under Government care, but in many of the Towns the Church Missionary, and Wesleyan Methodist Societies and their Native Branches have schools and I have urged on the Chiefs the importance of their children receiving the education offered them, girls as well as boys, for there has hitherto been great prejudice against girls being taught.

Political Reports by District, 1899–1911, img 1


These reports are arranged by department. Comparison of reports over time yields insights into how each area of government developed throughout the period of British colonial rule.

These papers cover the establishment of the Colony and Protectorate of Lagos, the First and Second World Wars, and the creation of the independent state of Nigeria.

The contents page at the front of each report lists the departments which existed at that time. Comparison of these contents pages reveals how the structure of the colonial government changed over time.

Audits, estimates, and other financial reports provide a wealth of information and statistics on the allocation of resources by and within the colonial governments. In addition to central and regional government estimates, local Native Authority administrations were required to submit annual estimates of expenditure and revenue.

Editorial Board

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Railway Estimates, 1949-1956

Estimates for the Nigerian Railway, 1949/50-1955/6.

Contributor:British Foreign & Commonwealth Office

Despatch and Railway, 1924-1949

Secretary of State's Despatch approving the Estimates, includes references to the Railway, 1924/5-1929/30; also, Railway, 1936/7-1948/9.

Contributor:British Foreign & Commonwealth Office

Estimates for Nigeria, 1954-1960

Estimates, Nigeria (excluding Railway), 1954/5-1959/60.

Contributor:British Foreign & Commonwealth Office

Estimates for Nigeria, 1946-1954

Estimates, Nigeria (excluding Railway), 1946/7, 1950/1 and 1952/3-1953/4.

Contributor:British Foreign & Commonwealth Office

Estimates for Nigeria, 1936-1941

Estimates, Nigeria (excluding Railway), 1936/7-1940/1.

Contributor:British Foreign & Commonwealth Office

Western Region Finances, 1952-1960

Western Region, Regional Treasurer, 1952/3-1953/4; Western Region, Accountant-General, 1954/5-1959/60; Western Region, Public Accounts Committee, 1952/3-1956/7; Western Region, Joint Standing Committee, 1954/5-1958.

Contributor:British Foreign & Commonwealth Office

Northern Region Finances, 1952-1960

Northern Region, Regional Treasurer, 1952/3; Northern Region, Accountant-General, 1953/4-1959/60; Northern Region, Joint Standing Committee, 1955-1956.

Contributor:British Foreign & Commonwealth Office

Eastern Region Finances, 1952-1960

Eastern Region, Regional Treasurer, 1952/3; Eastern Region, Accountant-General, 1953/4-1959/60; Eastern Region, Public Accounts Committee, 1952/3-1956, 1959.

Contributor:British Foreign & Commonwealth Office
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